Outer Hebrides Heroes was created as part of OH! Con, the Outer Hebrides Comicon.
Ten schools across the Western Isles took part in comic workshops and added a page to our superhero story, each page related to their own area.
Trouble is coming to Inverclyde! A whole series of natural disasters are causing chaos all across the town, from lava on Lyle Hill to tidal waves crashing into Cappielow. Only the Clyde Crew, a team of elemental super heroes, can save us from disaster. Discover how they do it in stories created by pupils from all twenty one schools in Inverclyde. The Clyde Crew project was developed and organised by Inverclyde Attainment Literacy Coaching and Modelling Officers Colette Kavanagh and Julie Docherty and delivered by Magic Torch Comics CIC.
What if it didn't go wrong? What if we fixed it? What if the world was rebuilt better for all of us? Enjoy two stories which imagine a better tomorrow instead of the end of the world, created in workshops supported by Glasgow Centre for Population Health Small Grants Fund. A version of one of the comics accompanied by specially composed music can also be viewed on youtube.